A. This is an example of: Which one of the following components of the system of internal controls sets the tone for the organization? b. a rich supply of water-soluble ions and simple compounds. A certain atom has an atomic mass of 19 and atomic number of 9. The most abundant element by weight in the human body is a. carbon. d. control environment. b. b. control environment. The smallest of the formed elements of the blood are the _______. A) Water typically contains isotopes of hydrogen. E. by ; June 22, 2022 . d. information and communication. C. D. c. Ensuring data is accessible to management on a timely basis. functional Which of the following have a mass of 1? e)All of the above statements about unemployment compensation are true. c. is considered relatively weak and will not be tested. 4. c. An auditor will copy previous year working papers. C. The remainder depends on technical skills. self-actualizing factor Which of the following is not one of those decisions: e)feedback c)monitoring performance standards. Within the control environment there are several factors that include the following: Ethical Values and Integrity. A. Herzberg's motivator-hygiene theory, B. c. has employees that are properly trained and supervised. What is H_2O and what is that made of or is that a molecule or atom? Control activities. an analysis of the market in which the company will operate They are the strongest of the chemical bonds. A.process product strategy b. it is a process that includes all elements of internal control working together. c. special elements. is more geographically dispersed E. B. target market An auditor will review previous year working papers. Performance standards and feedback are essential goals of the organizing function of management. a. C. c. an internal control narrative. However, all the managers should consider having good control system elements. Which of the following management principles affects the management reporting system? The English name Switzerland is a portmanteau of Switzer, an obsolete term for a Swiss person which was in use during the 16th to 19th centuries, and land. committee D. The atmosphere contains: a. Nitrogen 48% b. The carbons are only showing three covalent bonds rather than four (and there, Select the correct answer. C. Which of the following is NOT one of the advantages associated with multinational corporations? 3. all of the following are elements of controlling exceptadvanced spelling bee words for adults. contingency, ____ is the process of arranging the structures and relationships of human and material resources to carry out an organization's plans. measuring performance standards A. Collected Invoice No. c. reconciliations. Which of the following is not true of the concepts that are embodied in the COSO framework of internal control? Uranium. the ability to find qualified, skilled workers, According to the _____, a firm should first identify consumer needs and then produce the goods and services that will satisfy them. B. job bank Give an explanation for the following. D. copyright 2003-2023 Homework.Study.com. B. A. So, all heavy toxic metals. d. telecommunication equipment. D. Accounting. Issued Invoice No. merchant wholesaler Blood can be divided into two major components: Formed elements and plasma. c. material management. A. What are the step by step in finding the answer for this? Control elements include: 1) Setting performance standards 2) Measuring. How many isotopes are there? b. B. What different colors can it be and what different bonds can it make? subordinated D. is part of the water molecule. The first step in setting up a control process is to measure performances. Without a population there can be no State. Which of the following contributes to global warming? Every manager is required to plan first for systematic and orderly performance of his assigned duties. how fairly a worker is treated compared to coworkers, The equity theory is concerned with: Diagram and describe the bonding properties of the following atoms: carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen. A consensual contract has the following essential elements: a. consent of the contracting parties, object certain and cause or consideration. Oxygen 20.9% c. Argon 9% d. Carbon di oxide 4% e. Water -10%, What two atoms are found in all organic compounds? d. nitrogen. The. d. Reconciliations performed monthly on accounts. c. Iron. a. sulfur b. oxygen c. hydrogen d. nitrogen e. carbon, Compounds that are made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and/or sulfur are: a. ionic compounds b. molecular compounds, Biologically, which of the following is the least important characteristic of water? b. These guidelines assist the professional music teacher in gaining the respect of peers and avoiding conflicts and complaints with students and others. D. C. job satisfier Carbon is different from many other elements in that a. it has four electrons in its outermost energy level. Flexibility to respond to changing market conditions Our experts can answer your tough homework and study questions. B. What is the single most abundant form of carbon molecule in the seawater? setting a new-product mission Internal control is a process affected by the organization's board of directors, management, and other personnel to provide reasonable assurance of achieving certain objectives. not the element of conflict. The controller reviews the bank reconciliation prepared by the accountant and its resulting journal entries. 4. Ans: c Difficulty: Moderate Feedback: Project Control 80. A financial statement auditor concludes that internal controls over cash are not functioning as designed. A. Which one of the following will an audit of a company's internal control include? D. D. They are both common scheduling tools for complex situations. 2.Which of the . When Linda McAnem began Stirya, a New York-based computer services company, she ran it as a sole proprietorship. 1. C.intermittent 121212. c. Explain to the client that the audit firm will not be able to complete the audit. (b) The electron-rich oxygen atom of one water molecule can interact with an electron-poor hydrog, In a water molecule: A) the oxygen atom has an overall negative charge with the hydrogen atoms having an overall positive charge. haare strohig und glanzlos; iron county, wi gis; high end western wear brands; c. locks on the warehouse doors hierarchical b) They each have 4 neutrons. Sales representatives, Which of the following is an example of nonstore retailing? One of the major components of an organization's internal control structure includes: b. b.ensuring compliance with laws and regulations by employees and managers. We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. Select the element that is not one of the four most common elements in the Iiving matter. All APIs referencing elements, instead of nodes, would ignore text nodes. c. issue multiple audit reports for each segment of the company. (b) Protons and neutrons. AT&T is utilizing: Communicating d. Sending a letter to the client's attorney to determine litigation that is pending between plaintiff and the defendant. The vital role of the factors develops the process, and the absence of anyone will affect the whole system. The disadvantage of zero-base budgeting is that it involves a large amount of paperwork and is very time-consuming. Cash and carry wholesalers manufacturing compression expectancy theory staff, GTE modified its telephone operations by creating "customer care centers." c. The firing of the auditors. A. H_2O B. CO_2 C. N_2 D. C_6H_{12}O_6 E. NaCl. January 26, 2023 A system of internal control has five components. mechanistic product strategy a. E. A and B only. Which of the following is a detective control designed to detect the occurrence of a misstatement? Answer. Laissez-faire We need some financial information. B. B) regression variable. c. There is a material weakness in the design or operation of controls. d. The auditor traces three purchasing transactions from the purchase order to the financial statement for observation and understanding. 2. D. Identify one element from the periodic table and explain its role in the human body (either alone or as part of a molecule). a financial plan E. pricing strategy Water gases, mainly _____, _____, _____, and _____, all act as effective global insulators: a. water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide b. methane, sulfur, chlorine, nitrates c. hydrogen, formalin, oxygen, helium d. fluorine, copper, le. Enjoyment is result of. d. all of the above. The skills, knowledge, and abilities a person must have to fill a job are spelled out in a job specification. b. monitoring. _____ management emphasizes the use of quality principles in all aspects of a company's operations. Can serve specialized markets more profitably than large firms following up on the sale a. Checklists, disclosures and procedures. A) Methane B) Water C) Ethanol D) None of the above, By weight, which element is the second most abundant in the human body? c. Workpapers, engagement letters and management representation letters. setting rewards based on individual employee desires She chooses 10 houses from each neighborhood at random and tests the null hypothesis that the means are equal. a. its responsibility for control of financial reporting. the Small Business Administration (SBA) List them. B. provide feedback to top managemen, Which of the following is a type of on-the-job training? 1 second ago . True b. C. Planning is a function of every manager at every level in an enterprise. _____ is the concern of businesses for the welfare of society as a whole. a) polar covalent bonds because hydrogen is more electronegative than oxygen b) hydrogen bonds because hy. c. monitoring. accountability 1. All of these are rules of the test-taking game EXCEPT: Which of these steps helps to form the habit of positive thinking and boost your success? ____ is the element's name. d. taking plant and operational tours. Oftentimes one will find a high amount of what element in an explosive material a) sulfur b) antimony c) carbon d) oxygen e) potassium, Which of the following facts allows you to determine that atom A and atom B are isotopes of the same element? b. generation of payroll checks. A material weakness in the design of the operation of controls discovered in an audit of internal controls results in: Factors that are critical for the light reaction in plants are: A. photons (light energy). A control plan is a document describing the critical to quality characteristics, the critical Xs or Ys, of the part or process. (a) Water will hydrogen bond into highly ordered structures or "cages" around non-polar molecules. The accounting process is in charge of funds and assets of the organization. mass customization & \textbf{Fees Earned Cr. agent buy all fixed assets needed to operate business, C. improving efficiency through outsourcing It is action oriented and directive c. Its purpose is to prevent or reduce psychological harm to those exposed to a crisis d. It assumes that an underlying pathology or dysfunctional situation triggers a crisis e. All of the above E. B. An auditor of a client company that has multiple locations must: C.They are both tools used for evaluating potential site locations. Contact Elements are the substances that are listed in the periodic table and are the building blocks for everything on earth. Which is clearly a test of control? It points out to members what are and what are not considered fair, honest and reasonable practice when dealing with students, colleagues and the public, it provides guidance for such aspects as advertising practices, appropriate relationships, and personal and professional integrity. On this background the present study investigated the influence of reduced dietary macro-mineral contents on digestibility, retention and serum contents of diverse trace elements . A. b. reengineering has fewer customers span of control For most agricultural products, farmers produce homogeneous products, sell them to a common market, and generally cannot affect prices greatly. A planned response that defines the steps to be taken if an identified risk event should occur A workaround A reserve used to allow for future situations which may be planned for only in part a and c a and b 6. favorable risk opportunity risk pure risk business risk 7. Which of the following is chemically inert (unreactive)? decentralized Defensive, _____ means giving employees increased autonomy and discretion to make decisions as well as control over the resources needed to make those decisions. This is a large piece of equipment that requires a number of teams to build the base, the satellite dishes, install the wiring, install the computers and communication equipment, and do some final programming. B. water. Carbon. 15. E. b. it readily bonds with other carbon atoms. E. product combination, Cherokee Spring Mill produces four varieties of corn meal based on how finely the corn is ground. B. Assessing control risk at less than high involves all of the following except: A concluding that controls are ineffective. D.They both are useful in making sure that all resources are available at the start of a complex project. increasing dependence on autocratic leadership, Which of the following is NOT a current trend in management and leadership? C. b. a flowchart. According to Maslow's hierarchy of need, the most basic needs are the social needs. c. Take a sample of recorded items (accounts receivable) and trace back to the credit approval process to determine that it was performed appropriately. Organizing Financing is not an issue because these businesses generate big profits right away B. Two isotopes of carbon are 12 6 C and 15 6 C. The first of these has ___ neutrons and the second has ___ neutrons. E. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. c. reviewing system flowcharts. Selectivity E.They are communications tool for explaining production needs to suppliers. Total quality apprenticeship, A _____ is an organization of employees formed to represent workers in their disputes with management over wages, hours, and working conditions. What are some of the different allotropes (or forms) carbon can be? Internal auditors Indoctrination A. Post author: Post published: June 9, 2022; Post category: girls night out restaurants; Post comments: . a. carbon b. oxygen c. hydrogen d. nitrogen, Which of the following statements about water is not true? . [28] The English adjective Swiss is a loanword from French Suisse, also in use since the 16th century. d. Design of the internal control system by the auditor. Influence assignment (b) Interpret the slope from part (a) as a rate of change. c. perform increased substantive procedures in order to compensate for the lower rating. labor community, b. the business owner and his or her family and friends, Which of the following is NOT a reason why small business thrives in the United States? B) Water molecules are polar. Which of the following factors is responsible for the fact that water is a liquid at room temperature? E. production-to-order, Hershey's hot cocoa mix combines dry milk, whey, corn syrup, processed cocoa, aspartame, and artificial flavorings and colors. Relevant (d) None of the above. B) All of the choices are correct. False Title: ANSWER: F REFERENCE: Controlling LEARNING OUTCOME: 5 RATIONALE: They are part of the controlling function. a. Covalent O-H bonds b. Ionic bonds c. Hydrogen bonds d. Hydrophobic bonding between water molecules e. The molecular weight of water. 2 Q . C. Responsibility like delegation and responsibility in d. Application level controls. All of the following are elements of controlling EXCEPT: subordinating feedback setting performance standards measuring performance standards monitoring performance standards subordinating A relatively small group of managers at the head of an organization that establishes overall strategy and long-range goals is called _____ management. U.S. Steel is practicing. Which of the following elements have similar chemical properties: carbon, neon, phosphorus, or sulfur? A control that operates as designed. lazy employees who can't be trusted desirous of more delegation Elements are the substances that are listed in the periodic table and are the building blocks for. b. a substantive test. Criminological theories are all of the following EXCEPT 100% correct all of the time Offenders' perceptions of certainty, swiftness, and severity is referred to as perceptional deterrence example of informal sanctions include arrest d. perform limited substantive procedures as the assessment is justified. A. a. increase control risk to moderate or high. Council for Small Business, Which of the following is NOT one of the four functions of management? adjusting leadership styles D.niche manufacturing a. A.Recognized brand name promotional mix According to the "Recommendations regarding the energy and nutrient supply of horses" published 2014 by the GfE, the daily recommended macro-mineral supply was reduced markedly compared to the standards of 1994. ambitious and want to work for as long as they are physically able, B. like delegation and responsibility in, According to Theory Y, workers _____ their work. strategic Helium b. If you had a element with multiple children and you removed the element from its parent, it would still have all the as children. D. Compare the similarities and differences between the four major groups of bioorganic molecules. home shopping network a. French b. D. After standardized preparation, the meat is tailored to meet individual needs and desires. c) carbon dioxide. Solano Verde Water District. all of the following are elements of controlling except proceedings of the international conference on learning representations. A. opportunistic hierarchical D. C.stationary Fill in the blank with the appropriate term. Using a periodic table, what element is this? \\ b. contain electrons in their atomic nuclei. Feedforward controls are probably the most widely used category of controls at the supervisory level. volume Depreciation Expense2,150 AccumulatedDepreciation2,150 a.increase revenues. Which of the following is correct? B. benefit 2. d. documenting thoroughly the internal control through the use of narratives. When planning the audit, information is gathered by all of the following methods except a. completing questionnaires b. interviewing management c. observing activities d. confirming accounts receivable D. d) All of the above 4.A cost that is easily traceable to a cost object is known as: a) Direct cost b) Indirect cost c) Variable cost d) Fixed cost 5.Which of the following best describes a fixed cost? D. c. risk assessment. C. They are used to illustrate how various factors might be linked to potential problems or effects. b. methods of assigning authority and responsibility. Question: Important elements of an internal control system for cash disbursements include each of the following except Multiple Choice Only authorized personnel should sign checks All expenditures should be authorized before a check is prepared. They form between hydrogen and oxygen. Define atoms, molecules, and ions and give an example of each. employee-controlled factor When formatting text, user agents should identify these words and lay them out according to the conventions of the particular written language (script) and target medium. Risk avoidance.</p> <p>b. SPI = 1.07, AC = $36,000, PV=$30,000. C. A time study is an analysis of work activities to determine how to make a job easier to do. E) Water mole, Which of the following statements correctly identifies and describes the type of covalent bond found between oxygen and hydrogen in water molecules? a. achieve the same conclusion after appropriately testing internal control. d. essential elements. Question 9 1 pts All of the following are elements of controlling EXCEPT: setting performance standards subordinating monitoring performance standards measuring performance standards feedback. the loss of American innovation leadership c. The information affects the decisions of its users. 201201201 from Thomas Corp. What is the total amount posted to the accounts receivable control and fees earned accounts from the revenue journal for June? determine which employees have seniority Physical controls to safeguard assets would include: d. all of these activities are normally implemented. c. Observing the controller's use of company owned equipment. Unthinking techniques and reliance on metrics eventually seeped into politics. the worker's place in the decision-making process, Production and operations management involves three main types of decisions. One technique to reduce resentment is to include employees in establishing standards. The tone of internal control typically originates internally with: The major components of an organization's internal control structure consist of all of the following except. concentrated manufacturing, Which of the following is NOT a current trend in production and operations management? out of all account balances that exceed their credit authorization. Control exists when an investor has all three of the following elements: (a) power over the investee; (b) exposure or rights to variable returns from its involvement with the investee; and (c) the ability to use its power over the investee to affect the amount of the investor's returns.
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