Your better off alone! Thats a huge ass grey area because if you had love for your ex just because, he wouldnt date you. "You look nice today" is guyspeak for "I'm attracted to you." When he cracks a joke, you're the first . 3. The baby was born 2 days b4 his bday which is 2 days b4 mine. My baby mama cheated. "If she constantly asks intrusive questions, your partner needs to be able to reply: 'That is not up for discussion.'". There are APPS that allow you to skip an in person consultation with a gyn, and receive a prescription for birth control for under 20$. So Ms. blueprintwhy don't you do these ladies a favor and tell them you're laying up with their man. I would not continue this relationship. Should I keep believing him when he says it won't happen again or should I just get out of there? i feel it is disrespectful to me. I do feel you on this situation. This is one of the reasons why the economy *****. We were together for 3 years on and off and when I fell pregnant he ran for the hills and didn't participate in this AT ALL. If its not about the kid (or kids), do they really need to talk like that? Press Esc to cancel. Are you living with him nope. After all, those are all great . Ive told him so many times i was okay with us not being together and just to be my sons father. An occasional message late at night is fine if its about something important pertaining to the child they share. should I stay with or leave him. I just got done dating a chick who would be pissed with her baby daddy cause he always kept tabs on her and shit. He compares me to her sometimes. Im sure he doesnt mean to offend you and will stop using the term if you ask him to. Surely there's another. Is it petty to be upset about your partners co-parent contacting them at unsuitable times? Secrets don't work, and what needs to happen is that everybody needs to be clear and on the up-and-up. However, when a strange man calls you baby, it can be just plain creepy. If that is the case then it would be likely that he would have started doing other things that a boyfriend would do at around the same time that he started to call you mama. "He's playing you both. And he is present on and off in her life. I didn't make the world that way; it's just the way it is. You aren't doing anything other than wasting time. but then he made another girl pregnant, and has chosen me over her. He told me that he will tell her about us but just not right now. duckling. Easier said than done. Trust your gut. Do you think he slowly but surely trying to make a come back or just trying to do the right thing to co-parent? And probably always will be. Wake up he's married with kids PERIOD! Remember, even the most complex issues have simple solutions if paced out accordingly. Honestly, I would be interested as to why y'all haven't been able to meet one another. Does any of this make sense if you were truly his girlfriend and she were an ex? Your bm had a profound effect on you. It helped me though thNKS, It depends on the people. We had such an amazing time , I felt loved , I felt good , I felt like this was finally coming together . In some cultures, its normal for a guy to call his girlfriend his baby mama as a way of saying hes committed to her and sees her as wife and/or mother material. he just tells me to be patient because he will buy them an apartment to move in too and that everything would be back to normal. Not "love" but "Love" the way back in the bedroom when they can! But everytime he goes to see her, im blocked and she thinks theyre in love. We would have sex on and off . He may share intimate details about his past, his family life, and his fears. RoyalDanceQueen, January 23, 2017 in Dating. Fast forward 2 weeks later, he was calling my phone to get some. Why do u think he's doing this family thing all of a sudden. you need to talk to him and tell him that you feel disrespected. I will say that men dont forget and as I dont have a baby mama will answer slightly differently. I had given it everything I had. Blogging about a wide range of topics to help facilitate a better future. Her and my son never want for anything! Trust me its a hard pill to swallow regardless of which end of it youre on. But if he's in love why did he cheat or why is she so understanding to what he wants and waiting on him like this I did cuz I was a kid then I think were 25 n hell he 28 this year n shes 30 so I dont get this love triangle but I'm out of it. Usually it is a term of endearment for guys that go out a lot and see beautiful women, I imagine a Latino man says it maybe but probably not a white guy. No, you got him temporarily, when he feels like it. Just know that you are perfectly fine. Again, it would be helpful to consider if he was showing numerous signs of attraction. It would be particularly likely that he would get anxious when youre with other men, get defensive when other men are around, make plans based on yours, point his feet at you and have dilated pupils when he is with you. And she has a very tight relationship with his family. Now he and I dont even speak not even related to the kids he speaks to me by calling our kids phone he blocked me from all communication to him he told me I am sorry for leading you on when he said this I was mad Because he and I had nothing going on. Even his wife said, she didn't expect that he could go without sex for that long. It looked my ex even more for me to not even acknowledge his attempts. Sounds messed up to say but I wouldn't date someone with a child. Sounds like to me she is playing a game. I doubt he is married since op has met his family, but it also makes it unlikely that he is in an open relationship with baby momma. My boyfriend cheated on me with his baby mama and now she is pregnant but I still love him HELP!! He may be meaning something more than he likes you by saying it, youre going to have to ask him what exactly he means. I have no attraction nor care about my daughters mother. I'm confused and hurt and in love. Always have an attraction? Spanish Terms of Endearment for Male Lover. It's pretty ****in annoying to b honest like I don't have nothing against the kid but my chest hurts everytime I see him granted he had a lot of kids I was looking forward to having his first son of anything! news flash woman want children out of love not by ****ing force. Guy didnt wish me happy birthday am I wrong to be upset? He disgusts me. But hes not all to blame i take full responsibility for the desaster i made of my life. So last night I had texted my boyfriend something really nice a memory and such. Is this really true because I just had a back and forth battle with my kids fathers new girlfriend and she knows so much about my business which is the same with all the other ones he's been with beforeshe seems to think she is the best one he's had and said she is someone important its not that I want him back because he's betrayed me the way they went about me finding out which was through my kids but I've known him since we were in high school and he has told her all my business but yet never claimed her to me she told me it was because of how I would react like she is really riding hard for him. If a guy got married in a church white wedding whole nine yards had children there's no way I would ever go anywhere near that guy! Your raising a boy who will grow up to be a man and he needs to know and see how a REAL man handles his business. You arent wrong in feeling that, a person can only take so much, and patient and understanding for so long before someone pushes too far. No, they just don't like the thought of his babies mom sucking another mans dick and his kids calling the new guy Dad. If the relationship was toxic then this is how it can affect you. These girls he's messing with hate the fact that I'm around him , they don't even want to think about me and him even going out for our daughter . I assume the alleged ex is not a U.S. citizen or permanent resident? They made all these promises to each other. I don't know if you are talking to me but I didn't say anything that wasn't true. In some cases, a guy might start calling you his baby mama because he's trying to drop a subtle (or not so subtle) hint that he wants to have children with you. Really I feel sorry for the current and future women in my life, because I would drop them in a heartbeat to go back and try to make things work. Don't have kids unless your absolutely sure about your partner, and have had years to learn and understand them, otherwise theres a good chance your going to live a long life of unfulfilled mediocrity. She is doing it to make her think that something is going on between them, and to try to make her jealous. - yup! The thing I do not understand is we have two son's together but he acts like I do not exist. Having more dilated pupils when he is around you. I know its not always easy to bring up something like this, especially if he clearly likes calling you this name and it makes him happy. What's funny he doesn't realize how good he has it. He said he told her its over and the only time she must call him is about the baby, but she keeps calling and texting. He left for another girl And barely had anything to do with our daughter. If he doesn't do it, let him go.hard as it may be you will be better off not having to share someone. Her father is semi on the scene (couple of times a week, doesn't really contribute anything), recently I've noticed that her BD tends to crack jokes in chat which she finds hilarious. My bd used to make females think I was this horrible monster because he was locked up due to putting his hands on me at 8 months pregnant. She left him. I feel really bad for your situation see Im female though who has done nothing but stick by her man even though he's done nothing but treat me like shit, they way he talks to me, calls me every name under the sun, our son is one month old and I've jusy found that hes been messaging girls behind my back, this is the third time of him messaging girls and I really don't know what to do, I don't want my son to have a broken family but I've just got to the point where I think he will never change I've been loyal to him took him in and everytime we argue I feel bad in kicking him out because he has nowhere to go so today even though ive seen him message girls he's lay in my bed whilst I'm in the bath holding back tears wondering what I done wrong to be getting treated this way, This is some real ass shit, I swear if every man and woman was as straight up as this. Once I forgave, the other I could not. Hi, I must say it is a difficult situation. To hit on me after 8 months of not sleeping with him and I kiss him back and now I a fool because..i know i would still sleep with him ..smh I say u left me for your ex and is engaged 6 months after you left me..he.told me once before I can't choose I said yes you can u you did already I need good advice because iam still in love with him Idk how that can be ..he hurt me bad..sorry for the long message just need some flood advice, Yeah I said same thing but i am a hypocrite because I almost slept with my sons father AND. Xper 3 Age: 38. Sorry for cursing. I haven't met my ex's significant other and it's been almost if not 5 years. If he only calls you mama, he is around the same age as you and he changes his body language and behavior in a positive way when you are around then it would be likely that he is attracted to you. AskMen, Become a Better Man, Big Shiny Things, Mantics and guyQ are among the federally International custody disputes are a big hot mess. Ask yourself these questions first: 6. About a month ago the new girlfriend sent a text that he still wants me. It's important for kids! I don't think I could ever be in another relationship with another woman! Yes, if she finds out he's cheating, she will separate and go elsewhere (even though according to him, she's only staying with him because she had nowhere else to gosee any inconsistency in his story there???). My boyfriend and I don't hang out for a long time because he has to go home so that the baby mama doesn't suspect anything. You're already hurting and it's only going to get worse. How am I suppose to feel about that? By calling this, I mean that I care about you, I find you . Answer (1 of 24): Depends. Also, does she always complain about her ex? He said he didn't know how to , but he was gonna tell me , he had to tell me. The other day he didnt intorduce me as his gf to some people because he was scared what they would think about his relationship failing with her. Six years later he met me and now we are married . Sounds messed up to say but I wouldn't date someone with a child.. Perhaps he wants to mostly keep his kids separate from his romantic life, or he is taking slower to blend his relationship with his home life. She had an agenda the whole time. It shows you how to interpret body language and understand people's true intentions. amateur, big ass, big cock, big tits, ass. Hey everyone I am confused and I like for someone guy or Girl to give me feedback please I will try to be brief but it will be hard. For others, they move on quickly. What's up with these thots on here??? He's cheater on both you and the baby mama! Bridget Yvonnel. Ziff Davis, LLC BBB Business Review. But you don't know any better. Well she sure did drop the tea , I end up asking him , and he never denied it , but he never said anything either. Its normal for some guys within certain cultures to call their girlfriends their baby mama, but its not a popular saying, to be honest. But granted this me and him worked together. I see a picture of him , her and his daughter cutting a babyshoer cake to celebrate a baby . All that you wrote went in one ear and came out the next. If you love your man, make sure he will stand up for you when it comes to her and keep praying for her because these are the typical baby mama who end up having 4 or 5 kids for 3 to even 5 guys. If I were you, I'd just block him and get on with your life, although I can fully understand your desire to know the truth. She says even if I have a girl she will come up and kiss me and she will always try to be with me. Cut your losses now. Hes showing that hes serious about you and sees you as being in his future. Like a term of endearment. so yeah I'll just do what I gotta do . She says she will always love me no matter what but she never admits anything even when I came to get my son and a random guy is in her house with his shirt off walking out the bedroom. 3 years later later I still think about what I coulda done better. Let not mention that bum(honestly speaking). Always asking me when Ima be home cause he's tired . I can relate! It's already too messy and you're being treated like a dirty little secret. My selfishness and taking her for granted pushed her away. He was selfish and mean and I felt so alone but i just wanted my son to have his father and I knew he wouldn't be around unless I took care of him. What is love without respect? My exam has been in a relationship with the woman he cheated on me with for about two years. Because no matter who he or I wind up with, they will have to know that we are bonded for life. Or, maybe you expect more from the relationship than is healthy. If that is the case then it would be likely that he would have shown signs of attraction around you and that he would only have said it once. It's a classic story. registered trademarks of Ziff Davis Canada, Inc. and may not be used by third parties without I melt inside everytime I see her which is twice a week. Isn't it kind of selfish to date someone when you feel this way? We literally were the same person!! All of a sudden, we did. Sometimes baby mamas have tricks up their sleeves. I have been off and on with my child's father for 11 years, we were married for 2.5 and really did love each other, but when we got divorced he got a groupie girl (she has been hanging on him in the background and hoping to be with him for years) pregnant but didn't want to be with her. Your are at some point going to have to accept that hes just not the one. He will untill he doesnt anymore. I mean it's obvious to me, he's using you both. Yet he got another girl pregnant and had two kids from her. I feel bad for boyfriend was doing this..he would go shopping with them his ex and 7 yr old..go to all the school functions and never invite me..we were together 4 years and im sure he did it more than i knew..on the 5th year he was with her more ..after 7mos of the constant lies and telling me i was crazy for thinking he was messing around..the ex calls me..she tells me they have been out together and "tried having sex" but never he wanted to be w me in the end.n i felt like ha **** he chose me! Because my now beautiful daughter was created in the same fashion. WOW, Once a guy is married with kids he's not available anymore what is it girls don't get there's no such thing as a divorce! I'm trying to move on, but its hard. seek information on a wide variety of topics including African-American hair care, health issues, relationship The goal is always to de-triangle. Got to read between the lines and his actions speaks louder than his words. She does call for unneccesary things, and its hard because he cant tell if its a real emergency about the child, or not. I'm dealing with the same thing and I wonder would he ever get back with her even though we have a child together now. Speak up, tell him how you feel and if he doesn't take a stand then you know that he really isnt worth it. He tried to eat the bathtub But it wouldn't go down his throat. So I have a question to the men and would appreciate an honest opinion and advice. LOL.that story was such a pity seeking blob of bullsh*t. Nice try. After he got out of jail, he went through countless of women running them away because of the things we had going on. The FaceTime he says Hi and bye and nothing more. He and I are going on a year and a half. Yes, the term babymomma is offensive to me. The only thing I want is for him is to always have that daughter father bond. We had ALOT of attraction and chemistry, but absolutely no compatability. I have to make up in my mind that Im not dealing with his drama. They think that nothing bad can happen to them and that they were in love with each other. My gut says he is full of it, but his story is possible. Lmao ok that makes sense. I feel ya, and the reason he gets mad when your bd calls is because not only is he very territorial over you; but also, if hes not being totally honest with you about whats happening in those convos then he wants to have the upper hand on you when it comes to having someone in the side. Why would he call me sis? This is no big deal, and you shouldn't sweat it. The fiance found out about it, because the OW was very confident and wouldn't disappear. I said dont forget you blocked me of all access to you. i have the same problem, i had this boy his name is lebo at first he told me that his not with the baby mama and out of the blue he told me the baby mama is back in his life.i stoped calling him and he called to ask me to give him R100.what can i do. Should i be worried? Of course, you dont have to have children with him just because hes calling you his baby mama, but it is a sign that hes serious about you. And is it normal to have a family day if technically we aren't a family? you are 18 or older, you read and agreed to the. In the meantime he was "single" so he acquired a "gf", but now the wife has shown up, he needs to juggle things a bit to keep both women happy. Boyfriend talks about his baby mama EVERY DAY. Ask for FREE. Never ever mate a ex is a ex and that's where they belong I look forward to meeting my new fresh man and new future. My daughter is almost 2 1/2 and calls her aunt "Uncle Meghan," and everyone thinks it's hilarious.