She competed for the post of Chief Resident, but she found out she lost to Callie Torres. And once in a while, if youre smart, the life you save could be your own. When you look back on your life, the only thing that matters is: Did you spend it doing what you love? After Bailey was informed of this, she began to show signs of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) which caught her husband's attention. Bailey and Maggie later watched Catherine's last surgery before her own spinal surgery from the gallery. Ben responded to the call and after the penthouse was cleared, he offered Bailey a ride home on the aid car. She got to a 14-letter answer with the clue: My question to you. She refers to the hospital shooting as the worst day of her life. Have a read through some of these incredible monologues from the Tempest, and definitely consider tackling them for any upcoming auditions, class environments or just for personal practice. Were going to do this a lot more when I get home, by the way you, me, and the family. Yea, his dread trident shake. The expected's just the beginning, the unexpected is what changes our lives.". Then when Izzie cut Denny's L-VAD wire, Bailey really had a disliking for her. [23], On the night of Catherine's party, Catherine enticed Bailey to drive there in the back of a limo with her. She found she had less energy than before the cancer, so all small problems would be taken to Tom now instead of to her. Bailey was reluctant to indulge because she didn't know how the TrailBlazer would be a success, but Catherine told her that money comes and goes and you need to let yourself enjoy it before it's gone. Memorize them. She has arachnophobia, the fear of arachnids such as spiders and scorpions. She then begged Alex not to quit as she needed more time to straighten things out. She then informed Meredith that Richard was stepping back from surgery. They returned to Richard's room and found him gone. Miranda and Prospero on the island. After Eliza forgot to alert the police about Stephanie going missing, Bailey fired Eliza, saying that the hospital doesn't produce surgical robots. She then decided to go back to work and had him update her on her injured residents. Remember he was writing for YOU. Its just one piece. I already hate you, that's not gonna change." This is, perhaps, Miranda Bailey's most famous quote, so it had to make this list of the best ones. I was done. The next morning, Bailey found a letter from Alex in her mail. When they were on the plane, which was transporting her, Richard, and the sedated plane crash victims to Seattle, she said that she wished they sedated her too.[4]. He had no clue what she was talking about and left. Jo applied the techniques, including reciting a list of things you know by heart, but it didn't work. Richard: I am not crying wolfBailey: Sir?Richard: I do not make decisions lightly. At work, Teddy asked her for a job again, but Bailey directed her to Alex. She clarified she wanted to give Taryn a taste of the adrenaline and fear that makes you a surgeon and warned him that he was making this personal. As ticket holders sat down to watch The Devil Wears Prada when it premiered on June 30, 2006 . [50], Andrew convinced Bailey that he was ready to return to work and she allowed him to treat patients again starting with shifts in the clinic. Status A boy that you love so much you wanna super glue yourself to him. Oh, the water is so blue. A kind boy. While testifying, Bailey denied being close to Meredith and stated that Meredith lost the qualities that had made her promote Meredith to Head of General Surgery. Ill drown my book. Mercy itself, and frees all faults. On NYE, Bailey contemplated calling Ben but decided against it as it might seem like a booty call. The problem is trying to figure out how to control the damage weve done, or thats been done to us. Ben was unharmed and hugged his wife. Bear with my weakness; my old brain is troubled. Inside, she retreated in a supply closet to gather herself. It's just that Derek was, Derek was epic for her. This misfortune brings Bailey to the. Whereof the ewe not bites; and you whose pastime Professional Information When Bailey considered a pediatric surgery fellowship, her then-husband Tucker gave her an ultimatum: him or the job. She took time to warm up to new attendings and famously disliked Derek Shepherd, Erica Hahn, Mark Sloan, and Arizona Robbins for various reasons after working with them for the first time.[55]. Her son, William George Bailey Jones, was born during a bomb scare at Seattle Grace while her husband was in surgery with Dr. Derek Shepherd, having crashed his car on the way to the hospital. The Chief saw Bailey pick up the slack, and delegate exceptionally well, and eventually realized that Miranda was covering for Callie. Did you make Bailey, we reach into people's bodies and hold their lives and their futures in our hands. Because medicine is changing, constantly. Have I made shake, and by the spurs plucked up Prospero:My brave spirit! Maggieasked Maxwell if he did a cardiac stress test and began to argue with him over Bailey's care because if he did the stress test, he would have seen the condition before it became emergent. Will make me sleep again: and then, in dreaming, The above mentioned few monologues are not the only Greys Anatomy Monologues. But Kepner the reboot, Kepner 2.0, she's crazy. Richard told her that's how it goes sometimes and shared a story of how she performed emergency surgery on a long-time patient of his, who now sent her a basket of pears every year. She voiced her concerns over Andrew's behavior regarding Suzanne's case. Do chase the ebbing Neptune, and do fly him In this bare island by your spell; As she guided them around the hospital, they ran into all kinds of awkward situations and people yelling and making mistakes. Not my Ben. By my so potent art. During the point in time when Izzie Stevens, her former intern, and resident, was diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma that had spread to her liver, skin, and brain, Dr. Bailey was with her all the way, as her doctor and her friend. Miranda Bailey was a hero during the hospital shooting of season 6. [48], Her unilateral decision angered Ben, who went to sleep on the couch. To know you stood in the way of your mothers career? As he took her to Suzanne Britland, they ran into Tom, who commented on her taking time off while the majority of the residents were out. Maggie and Cormac escorted him off the stage and called 911. She ignored the research Jo sent her and went to the Chief's office to verify some of Alex's work. Bailey then fired all three of them. She told him her heart was ready for him to come back. Others Dr. Bailey speaks to her own situation and chooses herself over a man that limits her. Of whom your swords are tempered may as well Go off, Dr. Bailey. M.D., F.A.C.S., G.S. 150; Miranda. She spent a full week being angry, which exhausted her. She advised Alex to look into Vincenzo DeLuca's mental health issues. On the day of her son's school presentation, Bailey went to Seattle Presbyterian Hospital and told the nurse that she was having a heart attack. Chief Webber realized that she was the one doing the amazing work, and as such gave her the position of Chief Resident. The solemn temples, the great globe itself, Bailey's relationship with Erica Hahn is quite strained. She also confirmed a list of incidents involving Meredith to be true. Later, Ben quit his job because he felt he didn't see Miranda or Tuck, his stepson. It may be the most perfect ferryboat ride Ive ever had in my life. The Grey World: 14 Best Greys Anatomy Monologues. Armed with letters of recommendation from Shepherd, Sloan, O'Malley, and a disappointing letter from the chief, she is very excited about Addison's letter of recommendation, labeling her the "the most promising peds surgeon I've ever had the pleasure of working with". Meanwhile, she convinced Amelia to get an ultrasound, something Amelia had been putting off because she was afraid of what it might reveal given her history. Hiding the truth, Bailey told her the baby was a girl like she had expected and headed to her office, where she broke down crying after all.[42]. Bailey had a fling with a headstrong male nurse by the name of Eli. Wait, she likes you?Nathan: What? Alex came to fetch her and Jo for a surgical consult on Nina Sullivan, who had a yet-undiagnosed cause of abdominal pain and came to the hospital for Meredith, who was out for the day. They turned the limo that was taking them to the wedding around and went to the hospital instead. In his excitement, he told some nearby staff. Unless I be relieved by prayer, A kind boy. Eventually, they were rescued by Jed Lundberg and Jackson. Getting out of there was When that social worker put this little baby in my arms when I looked down at my Maggie Maggies the universe giving me a gift. He drew a crowd as he yelled at Opal to get away. They have bereft, and do pronounce by me I like this Kepner. Having them there felt like Catherine had won. Look how well that turned out.". Maggie practiced talking about her feelings with her and said that Catherine, Jackson, and Richard were delaying the inevitable by not talking about the tumor. The board members voted and Bailey was appointed Chief of Surgery. He packed a suitcase and she assured him that it wasn't final. She found out that Ben had a burn, which he tried to hide from her. More details here. With Richard stepping down as Chief of Surgery, Miranda appeared livid, when Owen Hunt was ushered into the position, however, she eventually supports this decision. As dreams are made on, and our little life All Im saying is that you could have a husband. Incensed the seas and shores yea, all the creatures Richard thought he was jealous but admitted he gave Meredith special treatment due to his history with Ellis, making him consider her family. Along the way, Richard kept insisting that Bailey have Meredith Grey help her, which she refused because she partly blamed Meredith for Richard's downfall. Meredith found her and brought up Jo's plan to create a surgical innovation fellowship for her. She called the shots for the day, helping the residents with their patients and the doctors with their problems. She finally told him that their actions had cost her her hospital with Tom being in charge now, her best surgeons, and most importantly, her closest friend. I hope you enjoyed our list of best monologues from The Tempest. Later, Bailey sat down with Meredith and they talked about her breaking up with Andrew and having grown up. It is a testimony in itself that how much the fans love the show. And I have a big job, where I do big, lifesaving, miracle-working things - where I lead others so that they can do their big, lifesaving, miracle-working thing. "And the church can be anywhere you want it to be in a field, on a mountain, right here in this room, anywhere because where do you think god is?" Your email address will not be published. She faced initial difficulties getting support from the attendings, but after talking with the Chief, managed to get their agreement to work there. We have opposable thumbs, we think, we walk erect, we speak, we dream. 27 Feb 2023 21:22:06 She told him it was not his fault, pointing out that it happened when he wasn't on duty. Bailey was destined to be Chief of Surgery. After seeing Callie struggling due to the situation with George, Bailey elected to be her number two. Bailey tells Ben she wants a marriage sabbatical in hopes that it would lower her stress levels. After surgery, Bailey woke up. I know everything. All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. As she started to spiral, Bailey blurted out she was pregnant, which helped to calm Jo down. At the end of the day, Ben and Bailey left together. The Denny Duquette Memorial Clinic has since opened, paid for using part of the $8.7 million bequeathed to Izzie by Denny Duquette, and Bailey is satisfied that the clinic will change people's lives for the better. While she was talking about his poor survival odds, he told her she was bleeding. Some tricks of desperation. It's privilege. Must fill, or else my project fails, Though it's hard to imagine anyone but Chandra Wilson, who's been nominated for multiple Emmys over the course of the series, delivering Shonda Rhimes' signature monologues as Dr. Bailey, that was actually originally the case. All rights reserved. The Chief justified his decision by saying he didn't want Bailey to get caught up in the paperwork, and that she was too good a surgeon for that. When the Olympia United Medical Group discovered the insurance fraud committed by Meredith, their representatives held an emergency meeting with Bailey and Catherine. Because the only cure for paranoia is to be here, just as you are., Youre a good man. Catherine pointed out that doing so had created a big rift between her and Richard. Bailey would like to have her way with Idris Elba. Continue with Recommended Cookies. PP: Right Here, Right Now Her first solo surgery was an appendectomy during her intern year on Alicia Tatum, but it turned out Alicia's appendix was perfectly healthy. Some even posit that Prospero represents Shakespeare, and his iconic speech from Act 5 Scene 1 about breaking his staff is Shakespeare giving up his pen and retiring to Stratford. Ben came home and found Bailey with the letter in her hand. I made that work. So, then why do so many people prefer being alone?, Wed like to imagine that were in control. Also, if you wouldve liked to add some more monologues from Greys Anatomy, then you are free to share. The storm came after surgery. Thisthisthis, II am. She's hot. I make no apologies for how I chose to repair what you broke. We are the guardians of our own humanity. Some heavenly music (which even now I do) She told him about her son and her husband. [53], The doctors switched off keeping him company. To hear the solemn curfew, by whose aid Obviously there's so so many good ones but if I had to parse it down to one I think I have to go with Christina's Burke took something from me monologue. However, a power outage trapped the elevator between floors. Meredith drew some blood, which confirmed Andrew's suspicion. She then texted Ben that they needed to talk on his next day off.[15]. Sir, I am vexed; C) Dont make friends with the enemy. While Bailey thought he sounded crazy, she went to assess the situation herself. Your swords are now too massy for your strengths Our site is an advertising supported site. Her reputation as a tough boss proceeded her, but over the course of 15 seasons, Miranda Bailey has proven she is a vulnerable, ambitious, hardworking, hilarious, and, yes, strong female character in a show that also boasted the likes of Cristina Yang and Meredith Grey. }). The search for a diagnosis continued. While her confidence has been somewhat restored since then, she still feels bad about not spending enough time with her son, once making a late-night call to sing "God Bless the Child" to him. Later, Link arrived in the room and Bailey showed him his son. I do. BaileyThe NaziMandyDr. Miranda Bailey is a general surgeon and the former Chief of Surgery at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. Despite Evan's misguided attempts to spare Max from the pain, Max had found out that his mother was dying and he ran off into the city. Maggie then planned to perform a keyhole procedure. Closer. He told her that fixing the inside from the outside wouldn't work and that she needed to get real help. (Baileys Speech). She's womaned up. She did not attend homecoming because the boy she liked never asked her out. [20], Bailey and Ben remained separated through the holidays. My fellow ministers As Carly slowly improved, Jo asked her about the pregnancy. $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; As time went on I feel she became all soft side, and every scene she was in she's either crying or whining. Richard told her Ben had called him, implying he knew about the miscarriage, but she only told him to help out wherever he could. Before Izzie went down, she told Bailey that the scarf was for her. Eventually, Andrew found the right diagnosis and Meredith set up the treatment. "I have five rules. She says she was the only female intern in her year, but she was the best and she won the first solo surgery. All Rights Reserved. The yards and bowsprit, would I flame distinctly, Kep Come here, Kepner. Bailey told her that kids already know on some level and advised her to just make sure they knew she still loved them and that she was not going anywhere. Our brains and bodies are actually programmed to seek each other out and connect. When I met you, I thought I h No, no, no. 2. In the face of some of her interns being hurt in the Joes Bar accident, she continued to do just thatand saved lives in the process. Is there any particular scene/moment youd like to see in a .gif? Bailey arranged a visit from his siblings, who assured him their foster homes weren't bad. He told her she had broken his heart, so he wouldn't come home for the fence. When he comes back; you demi-puppets that Miranda, "The Tempest": Act 1, Scene 2. It's truly fitting, then, that one of those fourChandra Wilson (Dr. Miranda Bailey)is directing this historic episode. However, as they were discharging him, Richard mentioned his feet and hands were numb, convincing the doctors to perform an EMG, which revealed that his whole body was breaking down, thus ruling out dementia. The pictures continued to bother her. So, this thing where we all keep our distance and pretend not to care about each other, its usually a load of bull. A few days later, on Valentine's Day, she came home and found Ben working in the front yard. Catherine pushed the doctors to work her. Todays biggest stories, from pop culture to politicsdelivered straight to your inbox. With hope in their hearts and sparkling light in their eyes, they just keep going on. Bailey sat down with Richard in the gallery and stayed with him during Catherine's surgery. She worked on a case with Teddy and Tom. Come. Although for a while she claimed she was growing tired of appys and gall bladders and nothing excited her but while treating a child that almost died, she wanted to stick with general surgery. She just arrived from Germany. Customers. Her mother (Elena) was very protective of her because she had lost another daughter before Miranda Bailey. He pointed out her testimony made him feel the same way as he thought she'd stand up for Meredith as he had. Her wedding got delayed because of Adele Webber, who had undergone emergency surgery, which was performed by Bailey. Bailey thought Catherine would stand by her. Alex and Richard came in to back her. [13], Plagued by worries over Ben, Bailey couldn't sleep, so she got to work early and started working on Jo's idea for cancer killer cells. During the procedure, Alex came to inform them that Jed's legs had been crushed when the elevator started working again mid-climb. Her speech on last night's episode was powerful. Shakespeare's plays are famous for their monologues, . Afterward, Bailey went to see the parade in the peds ward and learned that Teddy had dressed up her babies as zombies, which made Bailey suggest she buy costumes next year.[39]. You will answer every page at a run. if i get to 200 followers on thursday, i might have an insane gif-fest.. just saying im currently at 196.. :). And ye that on the sands with printless foot Shes special. Great privilege. Was the first man that leapd; cried, Hell is empty As soon as she was done, she collapsed and they had to take her to surgery. She also remarks on how impressing her is not an easy feat. Bye Bye Birdie. The enthusiasm of its supporters has not died down even a bit if measured from 1 episode till the last one. And Miranda is having none of it with the drama. Bailey hushed Andrew when he objected in the OR and later made him step in when there was bleeding from the suture line. This play features magic and has an otherworldly quality similar to Shakespeares earlier work A Midsummer A Nights Dream. A very drunk Miranda Bailey decides to give April Kepner advice on her love life - which is extremely awkward for Kepner but hilarious for fans. If you're looking for another Isabella monologue that is less well-known though, this one is fantastic.". She guided him back to his room. He later woke up with normal cognitive function.[54]. She recalled Richard's speech to the interns and how she dreamed of being the last one standing. 7 days a week, 14 hours a day. Bailey scoffed at the idea and then informed him of her own marriage sabbatical. All the boys and all the bars and all the obvious daddy issues, who cares? Bailey said George was her favorite of her interns. Worried she might be right, Bailey fetched Maggie for a cardiac work-up, which revealed her heart was fine. Bailey learned Carly was in fact one of her therapists, which resulted in Jo panicking and having shaky hands, which was ironic as Carly was the one who taught her tricks to keep her nervous system calm. Bury it certain fathoms in the earth, (Who had no doubt some noble creature in her) He was with her when she woke up, as was Maggie Pierce and Richard Webber. She's afraid of snakes, large spiders, and sharks. Leave not a rack behind. [26] Still able to relax shortly before taking back over, Bailey spent the day playing Tetris in one of Maggie's mood rooms. And like this insubstantial pageant faded, That's not gonna change. I never thought I would like Kepner. Name/Nickname required to comment. Profession Bailey later stood among the wall of women to support Abby Redding.[28]. She scolded Dr. Baylow for being careless, and Richard senther to his office. After their marriage, Ben had gotten a surgical internship at UCLA and had to leave. You will answer every page at a run. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Did you make the most of this beautiful, terrifying, messed-up life? Bailey settled the "Dad" issue by telling Tuck to call Ben by his name again as it hurt his father's feelings. She told him that it was a meeting and blew him off, so he just dropped her off and drove to his job. She felt lonely without him when Tuck was at his father's and the fence needed some repair work. During the surgery, she declared that she didn't want to be called the Nazi anymore. Bailey then told Meredith she could have her job back, which Meredith accepted. Gentle breath of yours my sails People on Twitter had strong reactions to Miranda Baileys monologue: This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from. [14], Soon after, she found a paper detailing Ben's death benefit at home. Mark Sloan: I know. "Don't But-Albert me, Rose! [49], At work, Bailey found Richard objecting to having his furniture from Pac-North moved into his office. B) Do whatever you can to outsmart the other guy. Don't apologize for caring about your [Jo] patients. If you do find there is a part that you connect with grab a monologue and get started. And Sloans gone. Him and his innocent child; for which foul deed, [37], Bailey tried to tell Ben about the pregnancy when he came home from an exhausting shift but he fell asleep as soon as he lay down on the bed. MommyAmandaBCB (Booty Call Bailey)Dr. BChiefChief BaileyThe ChiefMama BearLittle Bitty Doctor BaileyBingy Home; About. Pruitt's tests came back, revealing a highly aggressive testicular lymphoma. Privately, she measured her blood pressure, which was way too high. Bailey was not entirely happy with his decision. He said he would be okay and left. Debbie got her coffee, but she got her revenge and had Bailey do scut for an entire month.[1]. Or put her in someone elses hands who can put her back together again, Bailey cried. Much later than expected, Miranda and Ben got married. Tucker Jones (ex-husband)Ben Warren (husband) The guilt of resenting her own kid will eat her alive, 9. Just whatever you do, stop worrying. She told him that stepping down as Chief hadn't helped to lower her stress and blood pressure. If you refuse to look at anything else I won't live long enough to finish the rest of my story. And all the devils are here., For a full analysis of Ariel Monologue Act 1 Scene 2. Following the investigation, Dr. Bailey became reclusive and refused to operate, testing herself repeatedly for MRSA. She also named her son after him. Bailey told her the storm would come when it did, which was part of her exercise to stop trying to control things she couldn't control. And will not be uplifted. At the end of the day, Jo came to tell her she had considered her offer but wanted to be appointed attending general surgeon instead, using Alex's counteroffer in her negotiation. [41], The Monday after, a few hours before getting an ultrasound to find out the sex of the baby, Bailey found out Pruitt Herrera had been admitted to the hospital with symptoms suggesting his cancer was back. While working on a patient about to have open-heart surgery, she became increasingly cranky and ordered Debbie to get her coffee. Marc Antony Monologue: Julius Caesar Act 3 Scene 1, Your email address will not be published. Eventually, she decided to pursue a pediatric surgery fellowship, despite the Chief's disagreement. And a clear life ensuing. He was later pronounced brain dead in surgery. Ad Choices, Dr. Baileys Monologue About Miscarriage on Greys Anatomy Has People Talking. Um, there are patients who had chunks of cement fall on them during their morning commute, but please. He also apologized for taking Dr. Bailey for granted. Were you happy? He revealed that he made it and it took months to do. CurrentAttending General SurgeonFormer Chief of SurgeryBoard Member While she wanted to talk, he was happy that they could spend the day together and they had sex. Ben convinced her not to back down. Best monologues from The Tempest: Miranda Monologue (Act 1 Scene 2) MIRANDA. He coached her through her labor and delivery, allowing her to work through the stress of her husband's car accident. Beth Henley list of famous monologues with associated characters and shows. She told Richard she had handled losing her best surgeons and friends but couldn't handle this loss of her daughter.