Hennep en Graviola geneeskracht van Moeder Aarde. William Barr - moved to June 21. SO MANY COOL WAYS TO LISTEN TO AMERICA'S TALK RADIO NETWORK:FROM ANY WEB BROWSER: AMERICA OUT LOUD MEDIA PLAYERFREE APPS: APPLE |ALEXA |ANDROIDOR LISTEN ON iHEART RADIO, Copyright 2023 America Out Loud Network Worldwide. If you were so worried about COVID you never would have called an election during this plandemic. The nontheistic religious group, based out of Salem, Massachusetts, has filed a letter with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration arguing that their members should be allowed to access abortion pills without regulatory action. (I ran a few ingredients, formaldehyde, Tween 80, mercury, aluminum, phenoxyethanol, potassium phosphate, sodium phosphate, sorbitol, etc.). Such crimes include genocide. If a USA President and his family were still there, why would they turn the lights off? To see the scheduled hearings at GTMO, please go to the following link and check back frequently because the Calendar is ever changing, https://www.mc.mil/CASES/CourtCalendar.aspx. Will we witness the return of President Donald J. Trump, and see all that was brewing behind the scenes of the Military Tribunals, along with all the knowledge regarding disclosures? America Out Loud does not sell, trade, nor market email addresses or other personal data. True to its word, the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General's Corps and the Office of Military Commissions resumed military tribunals at Guantanamo Bay following the Labor Day weekend. IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO LIST THEM ALL. Military Tribunal Convicts Paul Pelosi By Michael Baxter September 8, 2022 True to its word, the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General's Corps and the Office of Military Commissions resumed military tribunals at Guantanamo Bay following the Labor Day weekend. The culmination of this journey is this website. - cvinenewsnetwork.com - c-vinevillage.com and all its subdomains are divisions of C-VINE International Foundation Charitable Trust. Its a hard slog, but its working. Written in the style of authentic news stories, Real Raw News articles often come in several installments, like the five-part series detailing an alleged military tribunal held for Hillary Clinton. Learn how your comment data is processed. Me: If I were deliberately to feed or inject my child with these ingredients often, as a schedule, obviously Id put my daughter in harms way. For more information go to: Thousands of Freedom Loving Patriots March Toward the Embassy of Cuba in Washington, DC to Stand Against Tyranny, COMMENTARY ~ Were Circling the Drain Faster: 18 Republicans Side With Democrats as Senate Breaks Filibuster to Start Debate on Infrastructure Bill , http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml. Conscious Thought: Driven by Intelligent Awareness, The Best Kept Secret of the Deep State January 7, 2023, Make GITMO Great Again! Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. OF FINLAND ARRESTED & WAITING TRIBUNAL, Sanna Marin PM OF FINLAND ARRESTED & WAITING TRIBUNAL, Emmanuel Macron PRES, OF FRANCE ARRESTED & EXECUTED, douard Philippe PM OF FRANCE ARRESTED & EXECUTED, JOHN BOLTON NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR ARRESTED & WAITING TRIBUNAL, Ghislaine Maxwell ARRESTED & SERVING LIFE, Franois Legault PM of Quebec ARRESTED & ON HOUSE ARREST, Recep Tayyip Erdo?an Pres of Turkey ARRESTED & EXECUTED. Look up exosomes. Actor Tom Hanks and wife Rita Wilson - June 21. They would have shut down all junk food joints, liquor stores, pot shops and convinced us to eat healthy and get some exercise instead of selling fear, masks, quarantine, vaccines, boosters, hand sanitizer all garbage. I choose to know and trust my inner me, since pretty much all around is falseand developing that knowledge IS the whole game plan! Blood damage is the key biologic explanation for harmful vaccine impacts. There is plenty of evidence out there for those who know what to look for. as washington d.c is foreign soil, it became gitmo too show more TRIBUNALS & EXECUTIONS HAVE BEEN AND ARE ON GOING AT THIS PEDO SATANIC SHITHOLE. Joe Biden then went to the Federal Reserve, asking the Chairman of the Federal Reserve to force American banks to use access to money as a means of forcing. Helping others access and implement new creative skills. by Truth For Health Team | Mar 1, 2023 | Environment, Health, Politics, Whistleblower Report with DrLee4America The people of East Palestine, Ohio, and surrounding states affected by the massive toxic plume dispersing these chemicals over the US have had no guidance from EPA, FEMA, or Ohio public health officials. The doubles and AI clones were activated and the deep state now work for Trump. He was horrified and felt awful he didnt know his kids are vaccinated and they all have health issues., Best Explanation Ive Seen About Why the Covid Jabs Are Killer Shots, Also: UPDATE | Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp Arrests, Indictments and Executions for Thousands of New Ex-Elite Prisoners Official Documents. New information comes to the Whistleblower Report team that the EPA has deployed a Superfund Community Involvement official to East Palestine, Ohio, EPA Region 5. The community standard of care is established by local doctors who have taken on the challenge to treat COVID-19 in order to avoid hospitalization and death, The Voice of a Nation with Malcolm Out Loud The nose is where bacteria and viruses enter the body. It is all too easy to focus on the here and now (the trees) and miss whats happening (the forest). by Wallace Garneau | Mar 2, 2023 | Business, Economy, Global, Politics, Joe Biden initially tried to get the SEC to require ESG compliance, but the Supreme Court stepped in and shot down an EPA rule on carbon emissions for giving too broad of powers. Susan Price is a National Gold Star Mother and resides in the Tampa Bay area of Florida. List of vaccine nasty ingredients exposed on CDC website. We have ALWAYS been advised by every religion I know of, to look within and there is a reason for this your heart rules! Biden's Pentagon transfers first detainee from Guantanamo Bay. Let's stay updated! He said last year would be the LAST Christmas anyone ever called you a conspiracy theorist again. How about the COVID hoax? U.S. MILITARY ARRESTS GATES FOUNDATION MEMBERS FOR TREASON/Bilderbergers Who Controlled COVID Pandemic Response - Top Banker Says UK to Introduce "Super App" Combining Digital Id and Financial Data - Federal Reserve Cartel: Eight Families Own USA, IMF, World Bank - Vaccines and NWO . H5N1 Human Bird Flu Explained By Dr. John Campbell Following Cambodia Case ~ March 4, 2023, POPE FRANCIS VISITS AFRICA ~ March 4, 2023, RT News March 3 2023 (20:00 MSK) ~ March 4, 2023, Separating Fact From Fiction on Fox News/Dominion Lawsuit. 106. This is criminal. Conscious Thought: Driven by Intelligent Awareness, Declaration of Sovereignty Nov. 29,2022, Charlie Ward: Boots on the Ground Exclusive Richard Potcner Talks White House Military Tribunal (Video), Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 3, 2023, SIMON PARKES: SITUATION UPDATE WITH DAVID MAHONEY ~ March 3, 2023, Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 4, 2023, New SG Anon 42 - Brexit Reversal Coming - Russia-China Coalition v. NATO - NA and CA Biolabs Being Destroyed - WWG1WGA ~ March 3, 2023, NESARA/GESARA REVEALED: NESARA IMPLEMENTS THE FOLLOWING CHANGES ~ March 4, 2023, A Reminder of The Event it is Biblical ~ March 2, 2023, New Clif High: We All Knew, We Just Didn't Think To Tell You - March 2023 ~ posted March 3, 2023, National day of disruption | Israeli anti-govt protesters block roads ~ March 4, 2023, As Ukraine Burns The US Targets Taiwan Next ~ March 4, 2023, The Next Pandemic! The internal emails show peoples beloved hosts all in on the scam. Instead, the content is a verbatim reproduction of . Each continued to host attorneys Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani because. I thought I could wind up in Guantnamo Bay. Majid Shoukat Khan. February 27, 2023. The tyrannous saga of George W. Bush is finally over. Having worked with various Congressmen concerning our Military and Veterans, she has been sought out by many as the the Gold Star Mother with a voice and go-to person.. The notion of keeping an open mind has been branded a noble idea. He has reportedly been living in a cushy GITMO cell in exchange for his cooperation. The news cycle is so wild Im about ready to vibrate into a different dimension this is getting so exciting. [1] To date, there have been a total of eight convictions in the military commissions, six through plea agreements with the defendants. The Bushs,Chaney,The Clintons and Obama all face Treason,Sedition and Execution by The State. THERE HAVE BEEN THOUSANDS OF ARRESTS AROUND THE WORLD. Show more. After intros and such, and asking to speak with someone tenured and knowledgeable, this is the gist of that conversation. PLUS: 50th Episode Reflections on Rumble & Our Show | SYSTEM UPDATE #50 ~ March 4, 2023, Situation Update 3.3.23 ~ Deep State END WAR ~ March 4, 2023, Milley Is a Blackmailed, Globalist POS ~ March 4, 2023, New Scott McKay, Micheal Jaco & Nino Rodriguez Round Table March 2023 Its Your Constitutional Right to Form and Belong to a Militia ~ March 4, 2023, Deepin Moments: 30 Cities Protest at the Same Time, France Erupts against the US ~ March 4, 2023, Matt Gaetz: Abolish the FBI, CDC, DOJ if they do not come to heel for We the People ~ March 4, 2023, Dr. Kia Pruitt: Dinar Stabilizes, Congress Attacks Fed CBDCs, States Go to Gold, Banks in Trouble ~ March 4, 2023, New Development Seeds of Wisdom RV/GCR Update(s) from Goldilocks 3-1-23 ~ March 4, 2023, The Full Worm Moon in Virgo Wants You to Get Ahead of the Curve, So Embrace Productivity March 4, 2023, (NEW) JUAN O SAVIN THE ANTICHRIST DECEPTION IN AMERICA March 4, 2023, March 3, 2023: Storms Not Only for Seas and Skies, The New Earth Blog ~ Creating Our New Life in the Age of Compassion, THE MIND OF RD REVILO, The Blog (& Podcasts) 4 THE BROTHERS, THE BROTHERHOOD THE RESURRECTION OF OUR MANHOOD, Senator John McCain believed tried, confessed, convicted, executed, Former US President George Bush Jr. believed tried, confessed, convicted, executed, Former First Lady and Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Former National Intelligence Director Robert Clapper, Assistant FBI Counterintelligence Director Edward Bill Priestap, California Democratic Congresswoman Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, California Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein, California Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Watters, California Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff, Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Former US Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, Former Clinton Campaign Director John Podesta, FBI agent and Strzoks mistress Lisa Page, MICHELLE OBAMA (BIG MIKE) ARRESTED & EXECUTED, ANTHONY FAUCI ARRESTED & RELEASED FOR A TIME TO HELP TRUMP, DEBBIE WASSERMAN-SHULTZ ARRESTED & AT GITMO, JACINDA ADERN ARRESTED & UNDER HOUSE ARREST, ELLEN DEGENEROUS ARRESTED & ON HOUSE ARREST, JEFFREY EPSTEIN ARRESTED & SERVING LIFE IN PRISON, ALL CARDINALS AT VATICAN ARRESTED & EXECUTED, JUSTIN TRUDEAU ARRESTED & ON HOUSE ARREST, SCOTT MORRISON ARRESTED & ON HOUSE ARREST, ROY HORN OF SIGFREID & ROY ARRESTED & EXECUTED, FRED THE GODSON (RAPPER) ARRESTED & EXECUTED, JOEL ROGOSIN (WRITER) ARRESTED & EXECUTED, MATTHEW SELIGMAN (MUSICIAN) ARRESTED & EXECUTED, HAL WILNER (PRODUCER) ARRESTED & EXECUTED, Dwayne Johnson (the rock) ARRESTED & EXECUTED, Kyriakos Mitsotakis PM GREECE ARRESTED WAITING TRIBUNAL, Panagiotis Pikrammenos DEPUTY PM ARRESTED WAITING TRIBUNAL, Elizabeth Warren ARRESTED WAITING TRIBUNAL, Nydia Velzquez ARRESTED WAITING TRIBUNAL, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ARRESTED WAITING TRIBUNAL, King Harald V OF NORWAY ARRESTED & EXECUTED, Queen Sonja OF NORWAY ARRESTED & EXECUTED, Erna Solberg PM OF NORWAY ARRESTED & IN PRISON, Stefan Lfven PM OF SWEDEN ARRESTED & EXECUTED, Carl XVI Gustaf KING OF SWEDEN ARRESTED & EXECUTED, Silvia Renate Sommerlath GUSTAF QUEEN OF SWEDEN ARRESTED & EXECUTED, ANGELA MERKEL CHANCLOR OF GERMANY ARRESTED & EXECUTED, Frank-Walter Steinmeier PRESIDENT OF GERMANY ARRESTED & EXECUTED, Sauli Niinist PRES. We cannot verify this information for certain so please do your own research. Worse than Guantanamo Bay: Diego Garcia Secret US Prison Camp | Google Forgot to. View more posts, Design a site like this with WordPress.com, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Pfizer Vaccine Found to be Risky With Other Medications, Follow Truthful Information on WordPress.com. On Aug. 1, 2021, the website Real Raw News published a story claiming that "The U.S . Mossad? Jessie Czebotar of Illuminate The Darkness presents actual military tribunal cases numbers to prove that the trials are taking place. Through this website, users can link to other websites that may be listed. White Hats, however, seem to have shuffled manpower, for the officer . What have you got to lose? My personal Email: Ronald_Wederfoort@yahoo.com PAYPAL : RONALD_WEDERFOORT@YAHOO.COM Telegram: CHANN. Updated 07/19/2021 03:38 PM EDT. Mike Lindells symposium begins August 10-12th, Lindell believes he has absolute proof of election fraud and is conducting a symposium to share his findings. Wow! The military commissions at Guantanamo Bay were created by the Bush administration in 2001 to try foreign terrorism suspects in proceedings that lack the due process . So I am to believe Norway, Sweden and Germany security forces would allow U.S. security forces to haul off their highest ranking politicians/political heads of state, why wouldnt these first world countries prosecute their own citizens, the U.S. has no jurisdiction to do so. By. The implications of these unfolding events for disclosure of classified technologies related to secret space programs, Antarctic bases hidden under the ice sheets and extraterrestrial life, all previously suppressed by the Deep State, are profound. w/ Dr. Henry Ealy, 4 pm ETThe Voice of Dr. YanWhere is the Separation of Powers in Americas System of Public Health w/ Dr. Li-Meng Yan, 5 pm ETUnity Without CompromiseDeath Becomes America as We Continue Negligent Inaction w/ Dr. Steven LaTulippe. America Out Loud is the premier news network with a diverse array of talk shows that inform and inspire. Some global and political elites named in the indictments would be tried in federal courts, some faced Military Tribunals at GITMO, while others would go before international courts. Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at https://t.me/AMGNEWS2022 and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Discernment is advised.] Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence. Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox joins Dr. Harvey Risch. Type 1 diabetes could also increase by 65 percent among young Americans in the next 40 years. Well, those who are not executed via military tribunal at least. by Kimberly Overton, BSN, RN | Mar 2, 2023 | Health, Politics, Nurses Out Loud with Kimberly Overton, BSN, RN They are serious violations of international law, and those who commit them must be held accountable. Two Pakistani brothers held by the United States at Guantanamo Bay military prison for two decades were freed by U.S. officials and returned home on Friday, officials said. Simon I agree. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon) Alex Brandon. The Guantanamo military commissions were established by President George W. Bush - through a military order - on November 13, 2001, to try certain non-citizen terrorism suspects at the Guantanamo Bay prison. I gathered all vaccine ingredients into a list and contacted Poison Control. Game Over YOUR RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR HEALTH NO ONE ELSE IS AND NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU, least of all a mask or a vaccine which is useless, now you need triple booster shots, that will never end, masks, quarantine, NEXT triple set of depends cuz you can catch COVID from a fart, let me help you onto this box car, show us your papers!!! Become a C-VINE member to help support our website and Volunteers and receive our weekly Newsletter. The video, which has garnered over 27,000 views as of press time, purports to describe the first day of a military tribunal Clinton supposedly faced last week for "murder, sex crimes against minors, treason, theft of government property." After giving a roughly 8-minute description of the alleged tribunal proceedings, the narrator appears to switch gears and talks briefly about idolatry . He's fighting get legislation known as Antoni'a :aw passed to put CCTV cameras in all nursing homes. The world watches with bated breath as America is the last bastion of hope for humanity. So I am to believe the U.S. has made these arrests/apprehension yet there are no top ranking military or top business executives on these lists? Religion is based on lies. Trump is doing good stuff, yet still funds the vaccine plans put into play by Soros? FEMA Prison Barges moored at Guantanamo Bay for the overflow of VIP prisoners awaiting Military Trial.The Deep State Cabal,their pocket politicians and gangster friends await execution or life in prison by US Military Tribunal. You have the absolute right to decide your course of action. America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm Out Loud Are you saying that if you have no obvious adverse event in the first month ( or the month of any booster ) that you wont have issues in the future, such as infertility or rapid cancer onset? The Department of Defense is constructing a new courtroom for war crimes trials at Guantnamo Bay which will not allow the public inside the chamber, The New York Times reports. -. Guantnamo Bay detention camp, also called Gitmo, U.S. detention facility on the Guantnamo Bay Naval Base, located on the coast of Guantnamo Bay in southeastern Cuba. Tribunals for all Deep State actors, especially those responsible for creating the bioweapon known as COVID-19 and its even more deadly weapon, i.e., the so-called "vaccine", will now be held at Tiera del Fuego. The Pentagon announced that two Pakistani brothers linked to al-Qaeda 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed have been sprung from the military prison at a U.S. Navy base in Cuba. A daily resource for smart people. Will September also be postponed? Its for your safety!!!! Take a guess who refused to join in? We hate using the word elite because they are quite the opposite of the meaning. Why? The United States military has arrested Dr. Deborah Birx, also known as "the scarf lady," after authenticating reports that she and her partner in crime, the still at-large Dr. Anthony Fauci, had conspired with the CDC to deceive . When the chemtrails stop or the child trafficking or any evil thing they do ad infinitum like passing laws as we speak that make it illegal for kids to identify as boys and girls I might believe. (2736) C-VINE Military Tribunal Rumor Squashing Series Part 3 of 4 Video While we endeavor to keep this information up to date and correct, the information provided by America Out Loud, its website(s), and any properties (including its radio shows and podcasts) makes no representations, or warranties of any kind, expressed, or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability with respect to its website(s) or the information, products, services or related graphics and images contained on the website(s) for any purpose. The daughter of a Marine, and Army Veteran, She is also the Mother of a Fallen American Hero, Gunnery Sgt, Aaron Michael Kenefick, a highly decorated and stellar Marine of over twelve years. But Id have to easily say that theyre all toxic to humans, used in fertilizers, pesticides., to stop the heart, to preserve a dead body. by Rich Kozlovich | Mar 3, 2023 | Politics, As these tapes become public, this will become Americas JAccuse!, And as the new committee dealing with this exposes the lies, corruption, and what I can only call outright treason over this January 6 affair, this is a far bigger disgrace than what the French government did to Dreyfus because this is far bigger and more far-reaching to the destruction of the rule of law. The Guantanamo Trials. Dont missGreat Awakening Videocompilation to help you make sense of what is going on right now! (LogOut/ Each day, I hear another atrocity coming from Biden administration, or whoever is the man or woman behind the curtain. Email Print 1.9K+ Shares. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. So I am to believe that U.S. officials involved in alleged voter fraud in the last election are exempt from arrest/prosecution? UPDATED The Executed: Clones, Doubles, Actors, Transvestites Hiding in Plain Sight, Holographic or CGI. Going within is everything and you are already doing this! It is a war, an ongoing cognitive war, for the soul of your country, your freedoms, and your independence. By no means was this an endorsement, and Ohio Train Derailment |The crime scene in Ohio with the toxic chemical spill and burn-off leaves us with more questions than answers. They can be seen as part of the Bio-War forced upon humanity a true crime against humanity, The first three days of illness are the golden window for effective care. by Tom Renz, Esq. Gitmo Tribunal Live Streaming. This is very important with the Omicron variant, which multiplies 70 times faster than the prior strains of the virus. Russia, hence the war with Ukraine, to suck em dry. The U.S. move on Feb. 23, 2023, comes after holding them two decades without charges at Guantanamo. After this DC swamp is completely clean, the Whitehouse will be forever closed, destroyed and the DC swamp hole will become a nature and bird reserve. Joes Totalitarian Government Fourth Reich or Mandarin Style? However, America Out Loud takes no responsibility for, nor are we, and will not be liable for being temporarily unavailable due to technical difficulties beyond our control. Operation Mockingbird Media CIA = Clowns In America Who owns the CIA? Medeea Greere and the American Media Group do not make any claims as to the validity of the information expressed in the opinion section, however we do encourage the reader to do further research on their own and we hope that you will share your findings with us. Press Esc to cancel. is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest AMG News exists only on reader support. by Rich Kozlovich | Feb 28, 2023 | Global, Politics. But it tells you one thing, that what Im saying is important; if you want to know whats going on, this is whats going on. OF FINLAND ARRESTED & WAITING TRIBUNAL, Sanna Marin PM OF FINLAND ARRESTED & WAITING TRIBUNAL, Emmanuel Macron PRES, OF FRANCE ARRESTED & EXECUTED, douard Philippe PM OF FRANCE ARRESTED & EXECUTED, JOHN BOLTON NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR ARRESTED & WAITING TRIBUNAL, Ghislaine Maxwell ARRESTED & SERVING LIFE, Franois Legault PM of Quebec ARRESTED & ON HOUSE ARREST, Recep Tayyip Erdo?an Pres of Turkey ARRESTED & EXECUTED, John Huntsman former Ambassidor to China ARRESTED WAITING TRIBUNAL, Lynn Forester De Rothschild ARRESTED & EXECUTED, John Davison Jay Rockefeller IV ARRESTED & EXECUTED, Leo Eric Varadkar PM of Ireland ARRESTED & EXECUTED, David cameran Former UK PM ARRESTED & EXECUTED, Prif Weinidog Cymru Wales PM ARRESTED & EXECUTED, Leonard Goldberg Producer ARRESTED & EXECUTED, All Royalties have either been removed, arrested, or executed around the world, All Prime Ministers have been removed, arrested or executed around the world with the exception of Poland. Constructed in stages starting in 2002, the Guantnamo Bay detention camp (often called Gitmo, which is also a name for the naval base) was used to house Muslim militants and suspected terrorists captured by U.S. forces in . Suggestion: Unplug your TV immediately and seek out your nearest conspiracy theorist. The judges are military officers and fulfill the role of jurors.Military tribunals are distinct from courts-martial.. A military tribunal is an inquisitorial system based on charges brought by . What took place at Gitmo was a bit different as the issues of the concept of Enemy Combatants was a new thing, and also a great deal of classified operations/intelligence was . They claimed Soros just endorsed Florida governor Ron DeSantis. A couple of months ago, the Tribunals were slated to start in July but of course it was AGAIN postponed. Feel free to research deep fakes, robotics, body doubles, and cloning and decide for yourself. He asked if I would email him all this information. Military Tribunals at GITMO Dark To Light The Great Awakening Government Shutdown Comeback Bigger Than Setback White Hats in Control Game Over! ARE TAKING PLACE SINCE JANUARY 2021 since the crIme was comitted, all traitors got immediately arrested. (2736) Military Tribunal Rumor Squashing-Who is REALLY at GITMO-Part 2 of 4 Everyone remember whenHRC Clone/Doublehad seizures over wanting you to try a cold chai? The deal that they got was that if they gave information that was useful, they could have a better death or a jail cell for life. All show will upload EVERY HOUR . White House. Brice Watson continues her deep dive into the banned books of the Bible, and Ronnie McMullen on the five phases of vaccine compliance. Helping others access and implement new creative skills. The virus must be killed in the nasal cavity at least twice a day after coming back home for prevention and up to every four hours during active treatment. Bill Gates has been arrested by the military and is being held in a military prison. Throughout human history, there has What most people have heard about deaths and illnesses caused by COVID vaccines is just the tip of the iceberg. GITMO events, calendar, transcripts, rulings, names of defendants on trial in the Office of Military Commissions website for the DOD here: https://www.mc.mil/home.aspx PPC is the only option for Canada. EVERYTHING including your FREEDOM hello. If you are still getting your DATA DUMP from the TV its a sewage pipe of propaganda directly from China that is getting pumped directly into your head. Permission to use this article in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its source at American Media Group. I would love to believe it but I can find no real evidence to prove any of it it by my own standards. Copyright Infringement: Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (DMCA). Susan is also known as a Veterans Advocate and a National voice. The courtroom, the second at the military base, will also allow two military judges to preside over . Majid Shoukat Khan was charged before a military commission with conspiracy, murder in violation of the law of war, attempted murder in violation of the law of war, providing material support for terrorism, and spying. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Subscribe my Newsletter for new blog posts, tips & new photos. Open your mind/heartAre you able see Love? NEC Director Brian Deese Hanged at GITMO Michael Baxter - January 26, 2023 370 The illegitimate administration's director of the National Economic Council, Brian Deese, was hanged Wednesday afternoon after a military tribunal at Guantanamo Bay convicted him. Mr. Khan resided with his family near Baltimore, Maryland, from 1996 through 2002. There is grounds for cautious optimism that the prospects of full disclosure will substantially increase as more corrupt Deep State officials are taken to Gitmo. This means they are all globalist assholes and this has nothing to do with health and everything to do with control. America Out Loud has no control over what the sites do with the information they collect. Love, Spirituality, Free Energy, Abundance, Quantum Awareness. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The DOE and FBI now acknowledge what was once claimed to be, a conspiracy theory, that Covid originated in a, by George McClellan | Mar 1, 2023 | Global, Politics, So, why is everything in disarray? If its going to happen, please do it fast, before there is nothing left of us to hold onto, and so our country doesnt turn into a you know what hole. In todays episode of The Voice of a Nation, Founder, and CEO, Nathan Jones, and Dr. Peter McCullough provide the roadmap to good nasal hygiene and why it matters.