Alan Jarvie
I love the memories and wish I could go back (sometimes) in a way I am and I guess we all are. And it doesn't surprise me. Now the deejays had to play the records by themself; no engineers anymore. This is one of the very best radio sites ever. Anthony Perkins
A great site for an oldie who used to listen to 208 before WWII. Wether he remembers me? Patrick Griffin
radio luxembourg power playlist . How great are all recollections of those nights when tuning Radio
90. 6 (13) A Song Of Joy (Miguel Rios)
Why not put a link on your site! I really enjoyed reading the other comments. I am happy it will come back. Obviously the programme sounded bizarre. N. Deasy
Anne Michaelis
Love your site. RL - unequalled for ever. Ook 's nachts stond ik vaak op om af te stemmen op de zender..Ik hou er een warme jeugdherinnering aan over..Many Thanks. LIVE FROM THE CAVERN WITH BOB WOOLER with some many good Merseybeat-sounds. 611. That programme was never handed over too willingly! 396. Pity, but life goes on and hopefuly, I will be able to listen "1440" on Internet someday. Cheers, Tony (now 61 years of age)
Oakland, USA (12/08/2010). No combination of D.J. traffic on Hertford Street for more than two hours. Really interesting reading through the comments. It was very strange that he always started with number one. praten jullie daar ook nederlands/dutch? I told some friends about this foreign and strange radio statio, but they all liked it !!! Stowmarkwet, USA (23/05/2010). In the late 80's I listened to Caroline but still tuned to
By chance Ive found your 208 website and it gave me strong emotions! RL 208 was part of my youth and it will be a part of my life in my mind . I have lots of tapes of Luxy available for trades or swaps. I am ready to make everything, to have
Back in the day when an office actually had "decor", and everyone had their own desk (they're even socially distanced!). Euston Station, London UK (23/07/2006). Wojtek Szymanski
743. Staioned at RAF Upper Heyford 1962-1965. Tim Airey
At four o' clock that night Radio Luxembourg was closing their
James H. Temperly
Thank You ! Smoot, WV, USA (10/10/2008). 143. Mijn complimenten voor deze prachtige site, ik krijg er rillingen van! Two weeks ago I discovered another fansite in the net. I would like to know if possible please. RL had a huge impact on my generation when the only alternatives were BBC Light and BBC Home! 178. was reading the news that night. I was also thrilled to see a message from an old favourite of mine who I have been trying to track down for years,Carol Deene.I have spent the last 5 years tracking down all my favourite stars from my youth and she has been the hardest one to find on my list.I would dearly love a signed photo if you're looking in Carol, thanks for the memories. Dave
It was a great station, even if it faded a bit. Piltown, Ireland (27/11/2011). Thank you. Grover Keith
I really enjoyed reading it. Saville's Teen and Twenty Disc Club, and wore my club ID bracelet everywhere! 632. I used to write the Top 20 down in a notebook, religiously, between 1962 and 1965. Bastad, Sweden (06/02/2010). Jim
Thanks for keeping the memories alive. Also, a woman sung a pretty ballad as well. before they dropped SW.
My first song recorded on my first brand new tape recorder was Rolling Stones' song "Paint it Black" from Radio Luxembourg. Just before we arrived he presented Tuesday's Requests. England - UK (13/10/2003). I've been trying for years, so maybe with your brilliant archive you may be able to help! It was the time of the darkest communist dictatorship, when anything coming from the "imperialist western world" was not welcome-to make it simple! Nice to have found this internet-page - brings back old and good memories. Very nice homepage !!! I'd love to find out who it was by and what it was called
as a teenager back in West London during the sixties. I would appreciate it if you can help me find the name of the artists (for the french song, I believe, it was either Jackues Dutronc or
played by the Brian Fahey Orchestra (1960). Oh! Elmer Pearce
102. 736. 505. Lasse
Still have Tony Hall's letter. Best regards,
tributo ad una radio mitica del passato. 840. IRELAND
You have a wonderful site. No recorded programmes on tapes from London anymore. Top Twenty in Autumn 1948 (at 1293 m. long wave). To start the ceremony a speech was made by Rick Wakeman and the unveiling by
109. But I was very glad that they gave me a copy of the famous Top Twenty Tune! My name is Cristina Miro and I am working on a show for the BBC about the history of Light Entertainment. Bob Monkhouse and dennis Goodwin presented a programme called(I think) Smash Hits.Listeners wrote in asking for their least favourite record to be smashed on air.78rpms were still around so made a great breaking sound on air. Later Tony was singing a song with a popgroup. radio luxembourg power playlist Used to love listening to Gracie Fields on Radio Lux. greetings hans from holland 65 years old. Frinton on sea Essex UK (19/08/2006). The studio has changed. Hello! have to say reception was poor and I would sort of have to realy strain to listen.The signal would fade in and out
The Radio 208 was a fountain for every young rock-guy to talk about the Top Twenty to feel about the pop music, we loved Luxy. 799. The BBC set up Radio 1, commercial radio was legalised in Britain in 1973, and its notoriously . Een hymne o.i.d. Pabianice, Poland (06/01/2013). Dave Charnley
61. Although I grew up in California, we spent summers in Switzerland with my Mom's family. Very nice memories I began to listen to radio luxembourg in eighties and it was fantastic sound.My favourite dj was Mike Hollies but was sometimes really poor signal in my town Komarno. Hi. Reasons for closing down? 160. I was 15 -16 years old and lived with my parents in Germany, had myself built a special AM receiver just for 208, and listened as often as possible. Hi!great site Dick Keep the faith as they say. 684. 4 (12) Natural Sinner (Fairweather)
Hi! 107. 87. I Used to listen in to the Top Twenty every week.. Oh to be fourteen
Roberth Walve Sweden (10/07/1998). Beautiful memories of the past. Does anyone know the name of a record and the artist of the early 70's which was about a young girl running down the railway track. on this part of the stations history, or point me in the direction of anywhere that can help me. Many thanks
623. Jl rzem magam, mikor ezen a site-on jrok. Nostalgia is certainly a major part of our lives as we grow older, and the 60s/70s were certainly decades that had major influences on so much in our lives and still do. Presenters between 2005 and 2008 included Dave Christian, Benny Brown, Sally Carter and Enda Caldwell. EPFC, PO Box 4, Leicester LE1 3ZL, England (01/02/2002). Unfortunately, I could not ever get it on a record and have not heard ever since! want ik knutselde als kind , ik ben van 27/02/1947, al radio's in elkaar om 208 te ontvangen. Thanks for keeping the 208 spirit alive and well. 68. Too Good (feat. 711. So glad it's been re-launced. How I miss the sound of Radio as it used to be. Patrick Short
601. Huizen (27/01/2005). on the big 208..even when I was working on one of the radio ships on the nordsea! bye,
Skorkovsky, Czechoslovakia (24/08/2012). ANd the constant tea theme song - "I like a nice cup of tea in the morning"etc etc. Liverpool, England (02/12/2011). 100. (former Radio Luxembourg Station Manager)
ran out of tape on only satelite which was second to last. I tried to find it, but just could'n, I didn't know where to find it. I found today on the internet the site of RADIO LUXEMBURG. You have a bunch of photo's
760. in der ich (zumeist nachts unter der bettdecke) meinen transistor
119. 503. Thank you! Tom Tass
808. Hi Dick:
461. 1964 68.ig hallgattam a Radio Luxemburgot minden nap 20-23 rig. Fred Plant
Belgium (12/01/2005). Seborga (10/10/202). Jacek Drath
Thank you for this site, it is fantastic. Al Woods,Houston, Texas, US (15/03/2004). The original Hunter's tune was much better and what made radio Luxembourg my favorite! See MoreSee Less, David Bowie's handwritten Jean Genie lyrics sold for 57,000, sad news And the legend lives on!! Zeist, Holland (9/05/2000). Mary
pushed me at the microphone to say something to the Dutch listners. thank you,
Brian Hubbard
Oldies. I am 53 years old, so I am sure you will understand that this site is bringing me such a wonderful memories. 742. I later understood that this was the World's most powerfull radio transmitter. 's has ever sounded so good to listen to!!! Please e-mail me with any info. George Kolenaty
Sometimes I am dreaming about a time machine, your site is bringing back all memories of these wonderful years to me. Portland, Oregon (15/08/2005). This is the first time I've had a chance to see what my 208 fav deejay from the early 60s - SAM COSTA - look like. Alden B
Thank you all,
Great page Dick! Buckinghamshire, England 01/03/2000). Heel tof zou het zijn nog eens geluidbestanden van toen te kunnen beluisteren. I am sure it was Luxembourg, but I could be wrong. It was my youth. I cannot believe the NME chart of June 66 - did we really have all those amazing hits - still classics of today - all in ONE months chart !!! I've been with this station for six years and I am happy to have many celebrity listeners like Barry Manilow, Keely Smith, Jack Jones, and others. Great memories from my childhood through my teens and into adulthood, great Radio Luxembourg. het zenden van een e-mail bericht, echt
688. We zonden dat programma toen live uit op Radio 3. I don't think it would work now. Thank you-
Does anybody know WHEN they started using this chart? 180. Cristina Miro
Sadly, he resigned on 20 April 1980, handing over in a joined show to his Mi Amigo mate Peter van Dam. Surrey, UK (13/10/2003). Was wondering if any one had information on the famous disc jockey Keith Fordyce. a good copy of this broadcast ? back-stage just before the curtains were opened for us to perform and lip-sink our song. Victor Malone
Yes, I too had a green eye, not in my radio, but in my tape recorder. Ferry Blokzyl
Dorking (27/08/2003). was Brouckereplein 5 in Brussel, een
Once again congrats! A great site. A piece of my heart in this waves. 261. Jeff Stewart (The Bill), Bobby Ball and Philip Madoc. 187. Sarajevo, Bosnia add Herzegovina (15/01/2010). 745. Bacolod City, Philippines (02/09/2012). Depending on the source material, she was something of a mermaid or a siren. music where he lived in the eightees - and I remember in Northumberland, Luxembourg
Jan-Erik Olsson
510. All the very best to one and all for the fast approaching new year of 2009! Oklahoma City, Oklahoma USA (21/08/2003). Nevertheless, many of the program shows I loved, like the Alen Freeman Show, or the Battle Of The Giants. Do you
606. Ben Meijering Bunschoten, Nederland
Andrew Webb
Just found this web site by chance. Is it possible to put something from Radio Luxemburg in the 80s on this site? Today it's hard to believe how "starved" we were of pop music in the early 60s, and how 208 was our lifeline. The musician wrote enduring classics like Walk On By and I Say A Little Prayer. Irena Sidlauskiene
When I was a young boy of 11 ( now I'm 60 ) years old I got a small room under the roof of our house for my own - and grandma's old tube radio. Stoke on Trent, UK (02/02/2003). This is great. Thank you Thank you Thank you. My compliments!
Canada (01/06/2001). GREAT SITE ! I'm 36 years old. father bought a transistor radio for my
Thanks for the "time trip." All I recall was regular "hit parade.."
Soho London (25/01/2006). Mecklenburg/Vorpommern, Germany (21/05/2002). 122. Stanislav Pozarek
Please advise. 130. 237. radio luxembourg power playlist. My family spent the summmers in Ireland from 1968 - 1982 and I was an avid Luxy fan. artist was. 504. in 70 s i ve listend everyday r. luxemburg 208 it was my youth age in high school for me from east block it was the luciest time to listen now i m 43 and i remember a song in 75 (LOOK ET CALIFORNIA.)
He went on to Local Radio for a while and did personal appearances around the Night Clubs etc. Tamas Benedek
Please tune in to RMNradio ( So nostalgic, I feel like crying with joy ! perhaps even obtain some of original broadcasts of the radio we actually listened to as kids back then. Topical Tunes,
Then there was game shows like, 'Open the Box' with Carol Levis? Even nowadays when i'm at sea i tend to run around the 6mHz band to hear for known to me stations Especially on board it was at that time a game when homeward bound from the Far East via Capetown, Durban or the Panama canal who heard at first the big L on 1440 kHz and the Hilversum staion on 1008kHz mediumwave. I think that this site is the best thing I have ever seen! Have the number one program "Don's On!" in 1957, duurde een uur, van 2 tot 3 in
671. Praha, Czech Rep. (30/05/2013). Thor Kise
Well done! The Netherlands (19/07/1999). how are kansas real estate commission compensated. The following week (28 may) it expanded to 20. UPDATED LAST WEEK Preview. Here in Vienna we had big fading problems, but it really doesn't matter, cause the music and all the DJs was so good. Ismet
Merthyr Tydfil S. Wales (17/03/2003). Hungary,Budapest (20/02/2003). Frome, Somerset, UK (26/11/2009). I did manage to visit the Villa Louvigny (outside only) in 1981. Luis Osuna
Tom T
I like to get hold of the
an during the late evening of course the English version at 2300. among other shows. At that time I lived in Croatia (Zagreb) (Formerly yugoslavia) and the nights with you, were window to the world. Now when I passed my 50:s I more often think back and warmly remember those evenings listening to "my" music on "the station of the nation 208". 539. MOJE NAJUKOCHASZE RADIO NA WIECIE. Great sit brings back loads of memeories. Nesodden, Norway (22/01/2004). Franky Krysson
Cookie files from analytics systems, social networks and other services help us to customise our website to better match your interests. Could you please look into it? As Radio Luxembourgs record Librarian (1982-1990) I find this site really well put together,I could never look at working for RTL as a job,it was more like being paid for your hobby,and as you know the DJ,s were more like family,sadly hard to replace,I am still in touch with Fern (Barrys wife) I hope she knows about your site, I will tell her as well as Janet and John (barrys children). 7 (1) Something (S.Bassey)
He was tall, six foot four, and originally came from Dorset. Greetings from Karlstad, Sweden
Boxtel-THE NETHERLANDS (08/03/2002). Came across your website by accident looking for Paul Hollingdale. Cameron Warner
Portsmouth UK (04/03/2001). 341. I am 47 years old.Radio Luxembourg englisch service listening from 1972 year.My favorite jocks was: Bob Stewart,Peter Antony,David Lee-Stones,Tony Prince,Jodie Scott,Shaun Tilley.I am very glad for Radio Luxembourg is back on the air. Accrington,Lancashire,UK (11/05/2006). I loved it. 198. Rich Fischer
Stumbled upon your site by chance and have been reading numerous posts for hours. 501. Amitis tous les auditeurs et aux dj's, merci pour ce trs beau site. Your site's a wonderful tribute to a truely great radio station! 741. Excellent website! My best wishes to you - what a surprise! We were sent back to the States, but memories of Radio Luxembourg lingered. 717. Voorburg The Netherlands (11/01/2006). Crawley, United Kingdom (23/09/2008). 18 (7) Something (S.Bassey)
I remember hiding under the covers listening to 208. adres/administratie van de Vriendenkring
Dunstable, England (04/01/2002).
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